Well, well, well...
This wraps up the Crumple Zone Sessions.
The vehicle has gained momentum and purposefully smashed into a solid concrete wall, revealing the strengths and weaknesses.
And the results are a lot more surprising than anyone could have expected.
But we will get to that in another post.
For now, lets take a look at the final song of the CZ trio...
Around late July or early August 2007 Modem songwriter, Iain Behr felt a deep inspiration and stirring for the direction Modem should take in order to complete it's identity. After all identity = purpose. Even if we cannot figure out who we are, we still need to put a label onto things, because there must be a reason for them. They exist for a purpose and purposes must be fulfilled.
But Whom authorises that purpose? Whom gives us our identity? Some of you may or may not believe in God or even His Son, Jesus Christ, or even what He did for humanity.
Too religious? Not really, this is merely historical - but the ramifications imply a Creator who chooses to be personal with all of us on an individual level - that's what that historical event means.
A lyric that was not included in the song goes
"Someone's paid for you that price.
He made the world that you despise.
The Son of God, the Son of Man
personally made you His plan."
Written in one sitting, this song literally wrote itself just on the sheer truth of it.
During this time, Behr's mother had already been going through intense stages of cancer treatments. She had been going in and out of hospitals for years already and had developed a type of brain damage called 'Korsakoff's Psychosis' which was basically like induced alzheimer's disease. Not the best household to live in as a growing young lad. But we still laughed a lot more than a lot of people did.
A few hours after this song was written, mother Behr passed away.
Not from the cancer, however, her body was just greatly weakened by all the rigorous treatments.
And that is another reason why this song has such a deep root into Behr's heart. "I could record this song a thousand times and it will still be a reminder to me that we have no idea what is going to happen next, so therefore we must discover our purpose and fulfil it before it is too late. I think that that is the big picture."